Fitness Transformation Wollongong

Our fitness transformation is called “56 For You” because the 56 days are dedicated to you learning how to create a healthier life for yourself. Our team guides and supports you through the entire journey by creating a customised Body Revival health and fitness blueprint which is designed around what you want to achieve.

From there, we build a personalised nutrition program which is based upon your goals, basal metabolic rate and body composition. Along with this, our team provides you with nutrition workshops sessions based around meal preparation, healthy eating and energy consumption.

Physical Activity
The physical activity component of “56 For You” is based around our Small Group Classes which includes; Suspension, Thrive, Zone & Strike classes. You can choose up to 3 classes per week or if you are 1 of the first 10 people so sign up for our challenge, we will upgrade you to the unlimited classes per week. Our small group classes have a maximum of 8 participants so our dedicated trainers have the ability to help and guide you when needed. This way won’t get stuck at the back of a huge group of people or lost in the crowd. Our trainers will coach you on functional movement patterns and essential technique so you can perform every exercise at the right pace and in a safe manner.

Motivation is one of the most common areas that people overlook when starting a health and fitness program. For that reason, we built a large accountability component within the program which will keep you motivated and can also identify when you’re not performing at your best. Every participant receives their very own personal health assistant who oversees their entire journey. You will receive bi-weekly phone calls to discuss your progress and any hurdles which you may need to overcome.

56 for You is a complete health and fitness transformation. Due to the high-level service and support we provide for our clients within the 56 for You program, numbers are strictly limited.

Fitness is not about being better than someone else…  IT IS ABOUT BEING BETTER THAN YOU USED TO BE.
— Gordon Slanquit, Personal Trainer Association

Learn more about our transformation

    When you’re finished with your workout, hang from a pull-up bar and simply relax. Then, walk on the treadmill or outside for about 15 minutes to improve circulation and ensure that your arms recover adequately.

    Do this routine two to three days a week, but vary the volume of sets based on feel.

    But, don’t stop after the workout ends. Use your arms throughout the day: make a fist, lift objects, glove up and hit a bag, carry your office bag with your grip, not your shoulder.

    Here’s how it works:
    Perform the first three moves one after another (Handstand Pushup Hold, Pledge Plank, Barbell Curl).
    Rest 45-60 seconds between exercises.
    That’s one set.  Do up to 5-8 sets of these. Then, move on to the final two moves. Complete as many sets as possible with 30 seconds rest maximum. “You go until your form breaks, meaning you have nothing left”

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